Monday, February 09, 2009

52 weeks in motherhood

this week i finished another photo project i'd been working on since february of last year. i'm feeling really good about how it all came together. sometime this week i should be receiving a copy of the set in photobook form. i love shutterfly.


Anonymous said...


A Photo-book too...that is cool! What is next?

gonzomama said...

what a great idea to publish it! i never did that one consistently enough. the last few times i've posted to it i noticed that it was you, me and someone else. it seemed like no one else was posting to that group. thought that was strange - its a great flickr group and a great idea.
anyway, congratulations!

should i have picked the color for this week? do you want to try a different theme or keep going with colors? i am open to anything.

oh, and henry just got over having pink eye in both eyes. yeah. so bea is likely going to the doctor tomorrow. she woke up from a nap today and her eye was completely crusted shut. poor thing.

Purl Scout said...

yup...she's got it then. poor beezus!!! angus got it once. icky morning eyes are the worst. they scream and scream while you try to steam/ soak the goo away. no fun at all.

my plans to use a gift card to shutterfly were foiled yesterday when i started building the book. seems that mosaics are unable to fit in their templates and they do not have a plain book to build on. phooey. looks like i'll have to spring for a blurb book through flickr. dang it...i had been saving this gift certificate for this.

as for 2 girls...want to try a word theme?